[22 Mar 24] Arthur the King
Arthur the King (2024) is a heartwarming adventure film inspired by the true story of a stray dog named Arthur. Directed by Simon Cellan Jones and based on the book by Mikael Lindnord, the film stars Mark Wahlberg as Mikael Lindnord, an adventure racer who befriends Arthur during an epic race. This inspiring tale showcases the unbreakable bond formed between a man and a dog against the backdrop of thrilling endurance challenges. Slated for release on March 22, 2024, the movie promises to be a touching story of loyalty and perseverance, perfect for animal lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike.
- Release Date: March 22, 2024
- Genre: Adventure
- Duration: Not specified
- Director: Simon Cellan Jones
- Writers: Michael Brandt, Mikael Lindnord
- Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Simu Liu, Juliet Rylance, Nathalie Emmanuel, Ali Suliman, Bear Grylls