[22 May 24] Garfield: The Movie
“Garfield: The Movie” brings the beloved lasagna-loving cat to life in a hilarious and heartwarming adventure. Directed by Peter Hewitt, this family-friendly comedy features Bill Murray’s iconic voice as Garfield, the lazy, yet lovable feline. When his owner’s life takes a new turn with the addition of a dog named Odie, Garfield’s jealousy leads to a series of misadventures that ultimately remind us of the true meaning of family and friendship.
Release Date | May 22, 2024 |
Genre | Comedy, Family |
Duration | 1h 20m |
Director | Peter Hewitt |
Writers | Joel Cohen, Alec Sokolow |
Cast | Bill Murray, Breckin Meyer, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Stephen Tobolowsky |