[01 August 2024] A Legend
“A Legend,” directed by Stanley Tong and starring Jackie Chan, is a 2024 action-adventure film with a unique dual timeline narrative. The story follows an archaeology expert, played by Chan, who discovers a mysterious connection between ancient artifacts and his dreams. As he and his team, including co-stars Gülnezer Bextiyar and Yixing Zhang, delve deeper into the mystery, they traverse between the present day and a mythical ancient past. The film combines action, drama, and elements of romance, delivering a compelling mix of historical and modern storytelling.
Release Date | August 01, 2024 |
Genre | Action, Adventure |
Duration | 2h 10m |
Director | Stanley Tong |
Writers | Stanley Tong |
Cast | Jackie Chan, Gülnezer Bextiyar, Yixing Zhang, Aarif Lee |
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